StressLess Erasmus+ Sport project

StressLess project  cofunded by Erasmus+ Sport will use Education Through Sport (ETS) methodologies for stress management and mindfulness in order to contribute to an active and inclusive society. Selected topic of Promoting ETS with special focus on skills development for stress management and mindfulness has a crucial importance effecting people’s social, economic, professional and personal wellbeing and success. As for the Sport policy of the European Comission this project will support the sport and society dimension in particular social inclusion via skills development of coaches/trainers/educators/youth workers in ETS. Target group of coaches/trainers/educators/youth workers are in the urgent need to develop their skills and exchange good practices with international colleagues on sport based methods for stress and crisis management, anxiety and burnout prevention.


Project last 18 months, starting 1st. January 2021, ending 30th June 2022.

3 project meetings  will be organized with additional quarterly web meetings necessary for project management and good practice exchange. The produced outcome will be a collection of videos of ETS activities for stress management and mindfulness. 30 short videos will be created showcasing sport and physical practices for healthy habits establishment.

Materials, documents and media produced will be freely available after the end of the project. All documents and data collected under StressLess will be available on the website. The data will be available through an open access system so that the professional, partners and community can access the data and use it in the production of reports and materials. Video human library will be available for interested stakeholders and external organisations and individuals: 30 short videos showcasing sport and physical practices for healthy habits establishment related to stress management and mindfulness. Once the YouTube channel and the video human library are finalized the partners will implement them in their daily work and will continue using them after the project’s end date. The project results and impact will be announced also  and linked to the online Erasmus+ dissemination platform.

